
Who Else Wants to Enjoy Success with the Industry-Leading No-Dig CIPP System?

The real story behind the incredible growth of Formadrain’s licensee network!

In the early 2000’s, partners Gerard Marc-Aurele and Stephane Therrien began developing Formadrain’s network of licensees.  With a fully equipped trailer in tow, Gerard went on the first of his cross-country tours from Montreal to Victoria, BC. He stopped in major cities in each of the provinces to explain and demonstrate the Formadrain system to contractors.  

The contractors were, for the most part, companies who wanted to expand their range of services.  Many of them were already engaged in cleaning and inspection of sewers and laterals and saw how they could offer an added value, the unique service of a true no-dig system of repair and lining, to their customers.

The tour was a huge success and a number of companies took advantage of the opportunity to enroll as a licensee.

Formadrain offers a unique package to contractors who want to experience the benefits of being a Formadrain licensee.  In addition to having access to the industry-leading no-dig Formadrain technology and their proprietary resins, licensees receive a fully equipped trailer-mounted steam unit.    

Additionally, licensees are also provided with hands-on technical training and support.  This training extends far beyond the usual manuals and specifications.  Formadrain provides technical training by an experienced technician who accompanies the new licensee to their job site to provide on-the-job training and support.  The Formadrain engineer actually performs the installations with the licensee to ensure that his crews are fully competent and comfortable with the equipment and the process.

But it doesn’t end there.  Formadrain fully supports their licensees; they are always willing to share their wealth of knowledge and experience in all aspects of delivering the Formadrain system to the licensee’s customers including assistance with design, preparing quotations, and trouble-shooting installations.  Formadrain maintains extended-hours and fully manned technical hotlines that licensees are encouraged to use to get answers and to help resolve any difficulty they may encounter.  

Access is key in the Formadrain support design.  Calls for support go directly to Formadrain technical personnel.

Formadrain also hosts an annual meeting of licensees at the WWETT show.  This gives licensees a chance to share their ideas and experiences with the Formadrain executives and with one another.

With their philosophy of “the licensees’ success is our success”, Formadrain expanded the licensee network in Canada and the US and it continues to grow.  There are currently dozens of Formadrain licensees throughout North America, with more on the horizon.

To find out how to join the expanding network of Formadrain licensees, contact Bruce Stevenson, Business Development Manager, at 1-888-450-3986 or email Bruce@formadrain.com.